Monday, June 11, 2012

{Article} Lucky Magazine

The July Issue of Lucky magazine is out on stands. I had the chance to pick up a copy today, being that I missed my train back home. Hudson News saving me once again from the many times I've had to wait at Penn.

I am always hesitant on buying a magazine, and thinking "Do I really want to spend $4 dollars on something that is filled with more ads than articles? Not particularly, but for me I enjoy advertisements, its one of the many reasons why some people even pick up Vogue.

I decided to splurge (big spender!) and buy Lucky. Get a little bit of everything. One thing I actually really like about Lucky is the fact that most of the clothes they layout or advertise are from stores or designers that I could actually afford. So props to that Lucky!

Within the July issue you will find a great article about the lovely Leighton Meester. Whether you are a Gossip Girl fan or not, whats not to love about this girl.

"I float my current theory, that adulthood is a process of returning to whoever we were at age six..

Stated by the interviewer themselves, Meester nods in agreement, agreeing that "when your'e little, your'e at your most honest and welcoming and playful"....And she's right.

A girl of many talents knew she would always be successful..and that doesn't mean being successful in the eye of the paparazzi, but successful in the fact that it's about "...being happy and fulfilled, truly fulfilled, and being proud of myself and doing different things all the time."

"So thus far, yes, Ive been successful."
{Leighton Meester}


1 comment:

  1. It's been over a month - I'm waiting for another post!!! <3
